There are several ways to search.

  1. Selecting by Facility Name:


  1. If you know the name of the Facility or partial name and press return.  Be careful with

partial names because then can bring back a lot of results.


  1. Select by Service Types. Please click on Service Types dropdown and select a service:
  2. Buprenorphine/Suboxone. Is a listing of all locations (both inpatient and outpatient) that use

this Suboxone as either for Detox regiment or for maintenance.


  1. Detox. Is a listing of all locations that handle detox.  By picking this choice you will be further given a option for:
  2. Inpatient, Outpatient.


Also you have a option of Selecting ‘Special Services’ and ‘What type of Insurance do you have’. Explained later.


  1. Funding.  Is a listing of places that have funding available to help in treatment or sober living.  Note:  The list

only has NJ funding sources.  If you know of any please let us know. If you’re have access to add services

then please add them.

  1. Hot Lines.  Each state’s Substance Abuse hot line numbers.


  1. Intensive Outpatient IOP. The listing of all IOP offices in the US.

  2. Meeting. The listing of Meetings. By picking this choice you will be further give a option for which type of meeting:
  3. NA, AA, CA, NAR-Anon, AL-Anon, FA, Alateen or Family meeting Generic.


  1. Methadone used in treatment. All locations in the US that use methadone as for maintenance.


  1. Rehab.  All locations in the US that have rehab services.  By picking this choice you will be further given the options:
  2. Inpatient, Detox, Outpatient, Dual Diagnosis, Hospital Inpatient Treatment, Residential

Also you have a option of Selecting ‘Special Services’ and ‘What type of Insurance do you have’. Explained later.

  1. Sober living. Is a listing of Full – ¾ and ½ locations.  Also you have a option of Selecting ‘Special Services’ to select

between Men, Women and Women with Children.


  1. Vivitrol/Naltrexone. All locations in the US that use it (Including doctors offices).


Searching by distance can be done with all services:

  1. Entering the two State letters and it will search for the entire state.
  2. You can search within a distance by entering a City, St or ZipCode and then click on dropdown

‘Distance’ and selecting a mileage limit of between 5 – 100.

Special Services:

  1. With Detox and Rehab there are additional choices you can made by clicking on the dropdown called

Special Services.  Your choices are:


Military, Children, Women, Men, Mental and emotional issues, additional languages, seniors, veterans

Once you entered and selected what you want to search on. Click:  ‘Search’

Other options on the main page are:

Log Out: Take you out of the system.

Login:    This allows you to login add places to your favorite list or edit and add listing if you have those privileges.
If you don’t have one then click on Login and select “I’m New”. If you are someone just searching then all you
have to answer is: First Name, Last Name, All fields under:  Login Information.  Disregard all other inputs.
Then click “Save” at bottom.

MyList: View items in your saved list. You must be logged on.

Edit FAQ.  If you’re logged in and have permission you can edit or add information to the FAQ “Questions and Answers”

Create Listing:   If you’re logged in and have permission you can edit or add listings.

For Edit FAQ and Create Listing: Once you’ve created a login please let me know and I’ll give you the permission.

Search facilities Screen:

Operations while on Search screen:

Goto their WebSite:       Open a window to the facility’s webpage.
No Electronic Submission: Allows you to submit your information to one or more facilities for approval.
Save to My Listing:          Save the current facility to your favorites. (only works if logged in).
View my Save List:           View all the facilities that you have saved. (click on button again to go back to search).
 Login to System:              Login using you userid and password that you create. See: Login above for more info.
Edit Listing and Create Listing:    This is modify or add a service. See: Create Listing above.
Exit:                                       Exit Search Results screen back to Search Screen.

Features that word only while you’re on a PC:

                Email Listing:      Email current listing on page to someone.
                Print Listing:       Print current listing on page.
                Copy Listing:       Copy current listing to clipboard so you can paste into something else.

Outstanding Listings:

                New funding sources will be added as they are located.
Detox, Rehab and Sober Houses:
                Most locations are listed. We’re still gathering locations that are Christian based.


Note:  NA and FA are completed for the US.  NAR-Anon will be done soon. AA is being handled but it 
will take time. The remaining selects are being worked on.